TC 372 Workshop Compendium


Revision as of 20:21, 4 April 2011 by Dbalzer (talk | contribs)

Audiovisual metadata: What it is and why it matters

Obstacles to interoperability and approaches to overcome them

Some elements of a metadata model

Analysing audiovisual metadata

Things must have names (even though EN 15907 doesn't supply them)

  • Common pitfalls in vocabulary selection.
  • Where to look for suitable element vocabularies.
  • Titles and proper names: Why some conventions are more useful than others.

Representing variants and manifestations: practical issues

  • Working from original sources: Some prepared examples (I)

Representing complex lifecycles of film works

  • Working from original sources: Some prepared examples (II)

Expressing relationships

  • Clarifying the seemingly obvious: Cast and credits.
  • Relating artefacts with events: Is this still filmography?
  • Relationships with objects in other databases: Taking the internet seriously.

Usage scenarios for EN 15907

  • In-house usage scenarios
  • Filmographic information in the ocean of data