Working from secondary sources


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From the TC 372 Workshop Compendium

The EN 15907 schema was designed to accomodate more detail than what is commonly found in a single filmography. This makes it suitable for compiling information found in scattered sources, i.e. for aggregating metadata at the level of individual cinematographic works.

Pancéřové auto / Das Panzerauto



Here is a snippet from a record found in the Catalogue of Czech Feature Films 1898-1970 (Katalog Český hraný film 1898-1970).

Other sources say that Pancéřové auto was a Czech-German co-production, also known as Das Panzerauto. Eine Geschichte mit Hindernissen.


From: CineGraph - Hamburgisches Centrum für Filmforschung e.V.

Another set of metadata for the same work, in this case from the in-house database of CineGraph. This record has been compiled from a printed version of the Czech feature film catalogue, plus information from Gero Gandert's history of cinema in the Weimar Republic.



Thirdly, we have a record from the Czech National Film Archive, aggregated into, containing an item-level description in addition to abbreviated work-level metadata for the film.



Finally, we become aware of some recent screening events. In this case, we have a festival programme from Poland, announcing the screening of Pancéřové auto on August 18th, 2009, in the city of Płock. It also mentions live musical accompaniment by a group named Mahadeva.


We now consolidate our findings using the EN 15907 XML schema. Here is a tranformed view of such a work-level aggregation, and here is the raw XML encoding.

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