Artificial Agents
Frequently asked: Cartoon characters, performing animals, and the like
Asterix[1], Barbie[2], Bernd das Brot[3], Godzilla[4], Krteček[5], Mickey Mouse[6], Mister Ed[7], R2D2[8], Les Shadoks[9]
Often asked for by cataloguers and by users of filmographic data.
A type of Agent?
First and foremost, this appears to be a question of the nature of these creations. Can they qualify as Agents because they appear to be capable of acting in certain ways?
From the EN 15907 definition of Agent:
"... an entity that is involved in the creation, realization, curation or exploitation of a Cinematographic Work"
For some philosophical concepts of agents and actions, see [10].
In drama, a fictitious character would be considered as part of the subject of the work.
Approaches in filmography
Any known?