Type and relationship vocabularies

From filmstandards.org

Revision as of 08:48, 7 June 2011 by Dbalzer (talk | contribs) (DCMI/RDA Task Group)

Major vocabulary initiatives

DCMI/RDA Task Group

The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative RDA Task Group has produced lists of vocabularies and value encoding schemes originating from MARC and from the more recent work on RDA. Some of the vocabularies are now published under a new namespace, RDVocab.info. For an example, see http://rdvocab.info/roles.rdf.

Vocabulary Repositories

SchemaWeb is a directory of schemas and vocabularies expressed in RDF/RDFS/OWL compiled by the people who brought us FOAF (among others). No significant update activity over the past few years.

Frequently asked: Cartoon characters, performing animals, and the like


Asterix[1], Barbie[2], Bernd das Brot[3], Godzilla[4], Krteček[5], Mickey Mouse[6], Mister Ed[7], R2D2[8], Les Shadoks[9]


Often asked for by cataloguers and by users of filmographic data.

A type of Agent?

First and foremost, this appears to be a question of the nature of these creations. Can they qualify as Agents because they appear to be capable of acting in certain ways?

From the EN 15907 definition of Agent:

"... an entity that is involved in the creation, realization, curation or exploitation of a Cinematographic Work"

For some philosophical concepts of agents and actions, see [10].

In drama, a fictitious character would be considered as part of the subject of the work.

Approaches in filmography

Any known?